Here is Ewan playing in the rain. He had such a fun time getting soaked and splashing around, as you can tell. He kept saying "it's pouring". Now he just needs some rain boots. Here we are on our retreat with our church at Twin Peaks...we had such a fun time and our speaker was Brennan Manning, who was amazing to hear in person. It was freezing and it snowed a little...Ewan kept saying, "cold outside". First I would like to say that I know that these pictures make us look like flatlanders playing in a patch of snow, but Ewan loves the snow! He didn't want to leave even though it was freezing outside and he ran Pete around till he was practically frozen, he was still saying, "more snow". Below is Lucas smiling because we stayed in the warm car and watched! And at least it wasn't on the side of the road or anything.
Adam and Pete putting up the Christmas lights...that ladder Pete is standing on is the dangerous part... Here are all the cousins playing in Mason's Einstein gym...Mason is not too happy, but Lucas is having a great time...he is already starting to move into 6 month clothes at only 3 months...he is a big baby!
Here are Steph, Adam and Mason on their first day home. And here is Pop-Pop flying Lucas. Ewan's favorite phrase the whole day was "Uncle Brian" He ran through the house all day saying it and he is still saying it.
Here is Pete relaxing with Lucas...both of them have a drink, and Ewan getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner! We all said what we were thankful for and when it was Ewan's turn, we asked what he was thankful for? and he said, "Corn", and he really was, he ate alot of corn! His favorite things besides corn were his dad's "famous sweet potatoes", and cranberries. He kept saying,"mmmmmm"!
Here is our 'Griswald family christmas tree on the car' picture....I have to admit I had my doubts that it would make it home without flying off the car, but Pete's knot tying pulled through and we made it! Ewan was so excited to pick out a tree and when it went on the car he couldn't believe it and when it got to come in the house he was so excited he could hardly stand it! He kept running around saying "Christmas Tree!" over and over and laughing. He loved the ornaments and he thinks Lucas is an elf! And also he thinks that the word "tree" automatically comes after anytime he hears the word Christmas, he says "tree".
Lucas is joining in the fun too...and here is our beautiful tree. which I think we may be redecorating you can see below, after we were done, Ewan thought it would be fun to take the ornaments off the tree to decorate Lucas!
Our nephew is so cute...and the biggest baby so far. Mason Christopher Plost was born Tuesday November 20 at 4:52 pm (which was the exact same time as Ewan) 8lbs 5oz 22 inches long.(and he was 3 weeks early) Ewan loves him, when he was born we looked at him through the nursery window and he kept saying "him born"....he was really excited! Poor Stephanie had to have a c-section after 27 hours of labor, but she is doing great! And Mason is adorable as you can tell!
Here he is with his cousin...below you can see Lucas grabs his hand...they love each other already!