Saturday, August 22, 2009

three weeks old!

it is hard to believe that our sweet baby girl is already 3 weeks old. she is already growing out of her little newborn suits and starting to like her baby gym and getting used to her brothers making lots of noise and jumping all around everywhere. so far she has been really calm and sleeping alot but when she is awake she is very alert and wanting to look around at everything. we have had a very crazy and chaotic and also fun and wonderful three weeks.....
here she is in her gym...with her brothers making sure to show her everything in it....they are such good brothers! ...her favorite is the ladybug so far.
isn't that the sweetest picture ever?
...and of course it wouldn't be right to end the post without some pictures of the boys in their boots. this is first thing in the morning....but lucas has also gotten out of bed at night, put on his boots by himself and crawled back into his bed. They love their boots!! I hope they don't outgrow them too soon. I don't know what we will do!


stephanie ♥ said...

Those are such sweet pictures of the boys with emmy. And I am glad you threw in a boot picture=)

Unknown said...

beautiful beautiful pictures. she's sooo old!!! What a great family of 4.