Here is what I look like these days. The boys in the stroller and Emmy in the wrap.....let me just say that it takes a lot of work to get out of the house with 3 tiny kids by myself. I have successfully made it out 3 times so far. Once to Lucas and Emmy's checkup at the doctor, once to Target, and above is us out at the Arboretum. And so far so good. I am getting more confident, but it takes a lot of packing and preparation to get out the door at exactly the right time after Emmy has eaten, get everyone in the car, drive, get everyone out of the car and into the stroller (and wrap) and into wherever we are going with enough snacks and drinks to last the entire trip, and then timing it right again after Emmy eats, back to the car to pack everything back up, drive and hopefully make it home without too much fussing.....it makes me tired just thinking about. I am going to bed.
it makes me tired reading that! I think I am going to bed=)
That is a lot of work! You are amazing!!
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