Saturday, August 23, 2008

happy first birthday lucas!

here is the was a beautiful morning at the park and Lucas had a wonderful time...he loved his cake and got it everywhere! and so did Ewan...he really loved his pony that his pop-pop made him, and had lots of fun playing with family and friends!(oh and I made those cakes...i am a cake decorator apparently!) Lucas really loves animals right now and can do lots of animal noises. Also he is almost walking...taking a few steps here and there and he talks all the time...he says about 25 words or so,(he is basically a genius), and he is the sweetest cuddliest baby boy always smiling and happy to see everyone!

happy summertime fun!

here are some of what we've been up to.


here are a few of our camping adventures for the summer. here we are camping at beautiful bridgeport...we went hiking, playing in the river,ice cream, we had a fantastic time...we considered staying forever.

here we are at carpinteria...we love this beach and tidepools. and down below is big bear for our anniversary. happy 5 years to us!

...and we are back!

we took off a couple of months or 6, but now we are back. this one is dedicated to jacquie parker bryant. Here are a few from the last part of the year up till the summer, (that is coming next) is the famous rocket cake for Ewan's 2nd birthday that he still asks for at every holiday, birthday and special occasion.

Here is Lucas growing...his little sniff he does is our favorite face and below his first taste of food...which he loved and learned the sign for more very quickly.

Here we are...Happy Easter and April, time to start going to the beach!