Saturday, April 18, 2009

our garden...(and a black eye)

I tried to get a picture of Ewan's first black eye...(it's a little hard to see in this picture, but it is definitely there)...but he told me that "boys don't like having pictures taken", so it was hard to get too close. He fell at this children's garden we were playing at and hit just the right spot and got a really big black eye that lasted almost a week.

Another fun thing we did during spring break was we planted our garden and we are really excited for it to grow. We planted tomatoes, basil, onions, zucchini, jalapeno peppers, cucumbers and bell peppers.....and a sunflower cave which is the circle in the background of the first picture of Ewan. So now we are just waiting till we can make fresh salsa and pesto!!! Ewan and Lucas both helped plant and go out with Pete every night to water the garden and the lemon tree.

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